tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:/posts Jaume Solà 2022-04-05T21:56:09Z tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1234923 2018-09-05T17:15:24Z 2018-09-05T17:15:24Z Bitnami Tomcat 8.5 on CentOS - cloud installation cheatsheet


  • CentOS 7.4 default image on Digital Ocean, entry level plan, with 1 GB RAM
  • Bitnami Tomcat stack -- local/native installation mode


local$ ssh root@SERVER_IP


add swap if RAM+swap is less than 2 GB
this is a short version of these two guides: Bitnami low memory & Digital Ocean swap guide

# free -m | grep Swap
Swap: 0 0 0
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/myswap count=1024 bs=1MiB
# chmod 600 /swapfile
# ls -lh /swapfile
-rw-------. 1 root root 1.0G Jan 19 19:05 /swapfile
# mkswap /swapfile
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1048572 KiB
no label, UUID=ed94f556-38a2-43de-a64b-a3829e85dbd0
# swapon /swapfile
# free -m | grep Swap
Swap: 1023 0 1023
# sysctl vm.swappiness=10
vm.swappiness = 10
# echo "/mnt/swap.0 swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
# reboot

# free -m | grep Swap
Swap: 1023 0 1023


# yum install perl perl-Data-Dumper
# perl

EPEL repo

needed at least for haveged below

# yum install epel-release


Without this Tomcat may take forever to start (issue with SessionIdGeneratorBase - createSecureRandom). Details here.

# yum install -y haveged
# chkconfig haveged on
# reboot

Default install

# curl --remote-name --location  https://bitnami.com/redirect/to/168422/bitnami-tomcatstack-8.5.24-2-linux-x64-installer.run
# chmod +x bitnami-tomcatstack-8.5.24-2-linux-x64-installer.run
# ./bitnami-tomcatstack-8.5.24-2-linux-x64-installer.run
  • asks for passwords for MySQL root & Tomcat manager

Essential commands

  • Start servers (other options: restart, stop, status)
# /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/ctlscript.sh start
  • Uninstall:
    • # /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/uninstall
      # rm -rf /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/
    • you may need to do it if there was some problem with the installation, before trying to install again.

Verify it works

 http://SERVER_IP should show Bitnami's "welcome" page

Start on boot

# cp /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/ctlscript.sh /etc/init.d/bitnami-tomcat
# vi /etc/init.d/bitnami-tomcat

# chkconfig: 2345 80 30
# description: Bitnami services

# chkconfig --add bitnami-tomcat
# reboot

...then verify servers have started and pre-packages apps work.


Remote access with SFTP comes enabled. I used FileZilla for it. It needs the loca private key used for ssh, converted to PPK format. This can be done with the Linux utility "puttygen", In CentOS it can be installed with yum:

# yum install putty

Let's Encrypt

SSL comes enabled but we need a valid certificate to avoid browser errors. cheatsheet out of this guide.

install tool (once)
# mkdir /opt/letsencrypt
# cd /opt/letsencrypt
# curl -O https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto
# ./certbot-auto

setup one domain
# /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/ctlscript.sh stop
# ./certbot-auto certonly --standalone -d www.example.com
# cd /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/apache2/conf/
# mkdir old
# mv server.??? old
# ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/fullchain.pem server.crt
# ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/privkey.pem server.key
# /opt/tomcatstack-8.5.24-2/ctlscript.sh start

autorenew (once)
# ./certbot-auto renew
# crontab -e
44 0,12 * * * /opt/letsencrypt/certbot-auto renew
Jaume Sola
tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1269875 2018-04-07T13:33:19Z 2022-04-05T20:19:27Z Bitnami LAMP VM (Debian 9) on VirtualBox, macOS host


This is a setup I use for development environments, not recommended for production!

Basic VM Install

  • Download OVA file from https://bitnami.com/stack/lamp/virtual-machine (version used: PHP 7.1.16-0 64-bit)
  • In VirtualBox file menu, import appliance (OVA file) & start it
  • Wait until coloured screen appears
  • Login with bitnami / bitnami
  • Set a new password
  • Root access: $ sudo su
  • Shutdown: $ sudo init 0

Tweak VM resources

By default resources allocated to the VM are quite scarce. Depending on the use it will have and the resources on your host machine you may want to increase them. My setup includes:

  • all available CPUs at 80% for better performance
  • 1 or 2 GB of RAM
  • 8 MB of video memory (there's no GUI)

Stop the VM for adjusting them.

Configure VM network

This is a server for local development/testing so we just need it to be accessible from the host machine. Additionally we may need it to access the internet. Reference.

bridged mode

With this mode the VM can communicate in all directions. Limitation: the virtual adapter needs to be attached to a physical WiFi (AirPort) adapter. Configure this mode in the VM's Settings - Network - Adapter 1.

host-only adapter

If you don't need the VM to access the internet you can configure it in this way.For that we need to create a host-only adapter. In Global Tools - Host Network Manager create one with default parameters & enable DHCP. The first one gets by default the name vboxnet0 and the IP range 192.168.56.x. Then in VM's Settings - Network - Adapter 1 select Host-only adapter and vboxnet0.

Verify it works


Access the VM from the macOS terminal

I find it convenient to have SSH enabled so I can access the VM from a terminal Window. Partly because without GUI the default console is very limited: no window resize, no clipboard integration...


$ sudo rm -f /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run
$ sudo systemctl enable ssh
$ sudo systemctl start ssh
$ sudo ifconfig | grep 192
... inet 192.168.x.x ...


latest command above shows the local IP of the VM, use it to connect to it:
ssh bitnami@192.168.x.x

    Install VirtualBox Guest Additions

    This is optional but quite convenient in a development setup. Specifically I use the shared folders feature with the host so changes in code I make on macOS are immediately available within the VM.

    • In Settings - Storage add a new CD device to the existing controller and leave it empty
    • Start the VM

    Install dependencies

    Find out then Linux kernel version, it's the third column, "4.9.0-6-amd64" in this case:

    bitnami@debian:~$ uname -a
    Linux debian 4.9.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.82-1+deb9u3 (2018-03-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

    the default DNS resolver was not working so I had to fix it using a Google's one.

    $ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
    $ sudo apt-get -y install dkms build-essential linux-headers-4.9.0-6-amd64
    $ sudo reboot

    Install Guest Additions

    Once the login prompt appears, insert the Guest Additions CD image (devices menu). Then mount & execute:

    $ sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom
    $ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    $ cd /mnt/cdrom
    $ sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run --nox11

    Check if running:
    bitnami@debian:/mnt/cdrom$ ps -ef | grep VBoxService | grep -v grep
    root 5447 1 0 11:46 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/VBoxService --pidfile /var/run/vboxadd-service.sh

    $ sudo umount /dev/cdrom
    $ init 0

    Configure any shared folders (normally with auto-mount), start the VM, check folders are mounted:
    $ mount | grep media
    $ sudo ls /media/*

    User access to shared folders
    e.g. allow bitnami user R/W access to VB shared folders
    $ sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf bitnami

    Enable phpMyAdmin for private IPs

    Bitnami docs instruct to use an ssh tunnel to access phpMyAdmin, but I prefer to just allow access from the local network.

    $ vi /opt/bitnami/apps/phpmyadmin/conf/httpd-app.conf

    replace: Require local by Require ip 192.168

    $ /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache

    Verify it works: http://192.168.x.x/phpmyadmin/

    Install WordPress module

    Following this guide: https://docs.bitnami.com/installer/infrastructure/lamp/#how-can-i-add-applications-on-top-of-lamp

    Obtain the module download URL from https://bitnami.com/stack/lamp/modules

    $ cd
    $ pwd
    $ cat bitnami_credentials
    *** contains MySQL root password used below ***
    $ exec sh /opt/bitnami/use_lampstack
    $ curl --remote-name --location https://bitnami.com/redirect/to/186012/bitnami-wordpress-4.9.5-0-module-linux-x64-installer.run
    $ chmod +x ./bitnami-wordpress-4.9.5-0-module-linux-x64-installer.run
    $ sudo ./bitnami-wordpress-4.9.5-0-module-linux-x64-installer.run
    installer asks for the following data:
    • language
    • Installation folder: /opt/bitnami
    • WP admin account data
    • MySQL "root" password (see above)
    • Blog name
    • mail support/SMTP Settings so your application can send notifications via email.  Either GMail or in my case "Custom":
      • Username
      • Password
      • SMTP Host 
      • SMTP Port [587]
      • Secure connection: None /SSL/TLS
    • Development o production environment
      Verify it works: http://192.168.x.x/applications.html
      Jaume Sola
      tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1266608 2018-03-29T22:31:46Z 2018-03-29T22:31:47Z Bitnami LAMP on CentOS 7.4


      • CentOS 7.4 default image on Digital Ocean, entry level plan, with 1 GB RAM


      local$ ssh root@SERVER_IP


      add swap if RAM+swap is less than 2 GB
      this is a short version of these two guides: Bitnami low memory & Digital Ocean swap guide

      # free -m | grep Swap
      Swap: 0 0 0
      # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=1024 bs=1MiB
      # chmod 600 /swapfile
      # ls -lh /swapfile
      -rw-------. 1 root root 1.0G Jan 19 19:05 /swapfile
      # mkswap /swapfile
      Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1048572 KiB
      no label, UUID=ed94f556-38a2-43de-a64b-a3829e85dbd0
      # swapon /swapfile
      # free -m | grep Swap
      Swap: 1023 0 1023
      # sysctl vm.swappiness=10
      vm.swappiness = 10
      # echo "/mnt/swap.0 swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
      # reboot

      # free -m | grep Swap
      Swap: 1023 0 1023


      The MySQL installer requires perl and the perl Data::Dumper module.

      # yum install perl perl-Data-Dumper
      # perl

      create regular user

      # adduser lampy
      # passwd lampy
      # su lampy
      $ cd
      $ pwd

      Default install

      $ curl --remote-name --location  https://bitnami.com/redirect/to/181565/bitnami-lampstack-7.1.15-0-linux-x64-installer.run
      $ chmod +x bitnami-lampstack-7.1.15-0-linux-x64-installer.run
      $ ./bitnami-lampstack-7.1.15-0-linux-x64-installer.run
      The installer warns about low memory (0.92GB instead on 1) but as the difference is minimal and we have increased the swap it is safe to continue.

      Then it asks optional components to install. Except phpMyAdmin which is always installed, the rest are optional if you just want to install WordPress (later).

      Installation folder. Accepted default /home/lampy/lampstack-7.1.15-0

      Finally it requires a password for the MySQL root user.

      Essential commands

      • Start servers (other options: restart, stop, status)
      $ /home/lampy/lampstack-7.1.15-0/ctlscript.sh start
      • Uninstall:
        • $ /home/lampy/lampstack-7.1.15-0/uninstall
          $ rm -rf /home/lampy/lampstack-7.1.15-0/
        • you may need to do it if there was some problem with the installation, before trying to install again.

      Verify it works

      http://SERVER_IP:8080 should show Bitnami's "wellcome" page

      Start on boot

      # cp /home/lampy/lampstack-7.1.15-0/ctlscript.sh /etc/init.d/bitnami-lamp
      # vi /etc/init.d/bitnami-lamp

      # chkconfig: 2345 80 30
      # description: Bitnami services


      # chkconfig --add bitnami-lamp
      # reboot

      ...then verify servers have started and pre-packaged apps work.

      Jaume Sola
      tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1234359 2018-01-19T12:54:04Z 2018-01-19T12:54:04Z Bitnami Tomcat 8.5 - native macOS installation cheatsheet


      Default install

      • location of apps/sites installed by default: /Applications/bitnami-tomcat/apache-tomcat/webapps/
        • docs/
        • examples/
        • host-manager/: Tomcat Virtual Host Manager
        • manager/: Tomcat manager above
        • ROOT/: Bitnami index page & default Tomcat site above

        Install own app

        The guide above has a paragraph "How To Create A Custom Java Application?". That didn't work for me. Instead, much simpler to drop the app's war file to /Applications/bitnami-tomcat/apache-tomcat/webapps/

        • E.g. you can try with this "hello world" app. You don't even need to restart any server for this one. Otherwise use BAM.

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1184405 2017-08-17T12:17:28Z 2022-04-05T21:56:09Z Installing Ethereum's geth on macOS

        A quick guide of what worked for me. 

        Geth is the official implementation that allows you to run an Ethereum node. There are several others.

        I installed it with Homebrew based on the official geth guide for macOS.

        Homebrew installation:

        $ su admin
        $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

        Geth installation:

        $ su admin
        $ brew tap ethereum/ethereum
        $ brew install ethereum

        Verify (as regular user):

        $ geth
        • wait for message "Starting P2P networking"
        • interrupt (Ctrl-C)
        • check that there are no obvious errors
        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1182488 2017-08-10T18:29:25Z 2018-02-14T10:16:16Z Setting up an Ethereum node on the Rinkeby testnet

        Warning: this worked for me on macOS as of August 2017. Over time you can expect some/most/all of the information here to have changed.

        There are several testnets, a number of them old/deprecated. The latest seem to be Kovan and Rinkeby. Kovan seems to work only with Parity while Rinkeby seems to work only with geth.

        You will need to install geth first.

        I mostly followed this guide.

        I tried first the experimental light mode but I got errors, so I tried with the full mode. Not a big deal at this moment because the size on disk is below 1GB and it took around one hour to download/build with a 2011 macbook Air.

        I prefer to make the data directory explicit (where the blockchain files will be stored), so I first create one on a disk of my choice. Also I will work from that directory, so I will assume all commands are entered from it.

        $ mkdir /path/to/rinkeby
        $ cd /path/to/rinkeby

        intitalise with genesis block

        $ curl -O https://www.rinkeby.io/rinkeby.json $ geth --datadir=. init rinkeby.json

        load blockchain 

        $ geth --networkid=4 --datadir=. --ethstats='yournode:Respect my authoritah!@stats.rinkeby.io' --bootnodes=enode://a24ac7c5484ef4ed0c5eb2d36620ba4e4aa13b8c84684e1b4aab0cebea2ae45cb4d375b77eab56516d34bfbd3c1a833fc51296ff084b770b94fb9028c4d25ccf@ --cache=1024

        Wait. You will see the INFO message "Block synchronisation started" then many INFO lines starting with "Imported...". Sync is in progress... 

        • Note the 1GB cache, you can use less or more depending on your available memory
        • Network id 4 corresponds to the Rinkeby chain
        • Blockchain data will be stored in geth/

        Check blockchain sync progress

        While the node is up & running (the above command) you can get info about the blockchain sync progress (among other data) through the JavaScript console. In another terminal window type:

        $ cd /path/to/rinkeby
        $ geth attach ipc:geth.ipc

        At the ">" prompt you can type, e.g.

        > eth
        > eth.syncing
        > adm
        > adm.peers

        You can double check you are seeing the right data progress by looking at the last block at www.rinkeby.io home page.

        Note that the "NOTE...Importing..." messages include a number parameter which is the block being processed.

        Getting free (worthless) ether for testing

        Create a testing account

        Create an account, enter password, get its address (account data will be saved to keystore/):

        $ geth --datadir=. account new
        ...(enter password):..
        Address: {559b0e5a899d9ef4c04ee35ccbefab2e6d7f06da}

        That is the address I got. In order to use the faucet & get ether into this account, first create a github gist with just the hash in it (remember to prepend with "0x"). In my case:

        Now use your gist URL in the faucet feature at www.rinkeby.io

        I requested 3 ETH, then I searched etherscan with my address to verify I got them:


        Next verification step would be to verify that locally we also get the correct balance.

        We first verify it is taking the accounts we created (files in keystore/)

        > eth.accounts
        ["0x559b0e5a899d9ef4c04ee35ccbefab2e6d7f06da", "0x62c8681441620cb0574fcee27d6085529067b8da"]

        The first one (index 0) is the one I got my 3 ETH, let's see if they are on our local blockchain (balance for account 0):

        > web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0]));


        Now we may keep using geth, or a wallet for a nice UI.

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1172124 2017-07-10T10:53:49Z 2017-07-22T18:22:58Z Share a Mercurial repository on github (macOS)

        Local macOS configuration

        Python & Mercurial

        This was tested on macOS El Capitan, with Pyhton 2.7 and Mercurial 4.2.2

        Install Hg-Git

        You will need the Hg-Git Mercurial plugin.

        It can be installed with Python's package installer pip.

        Install pip first:

        $ wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
        $ python get-pip.py

        Install Mercurial (eventually) & Hg-Git:

        $ sudo pip install mercurial
        $ sudo pip install hg-git

        Enable the extension:

        $ vi ~/.hgrc:

        hggit =

        SSH key for github

        create SSH key (details)

        • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "someone@example.com"

        add it to your github account (details)

        • $ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
        • Github: Settings -- SSH / GPG Keys -- New SSH key -- paste clipboard

        Configure & share repository

        create empty github repository

        • create on github
        • copy its URL
        configure local empty repository
        $ mkdir myrepo
        $ cd myrepo
        $ hg init

        set username & include github URL as default 
        $ vi .hg/hgrc

        username = Someone Example

        default = git+ssh://git@github.com/someoneaccount/myrepo.git

        Push & pull

        Upload local changes to github

        hg addremove
        hg commit
        hg bookmark -r default master
        hg push

        Integrate locally changes made on github

        hg pull -u

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1153682 2017-05-13T10:54:08Z 2017-05-15T12:02:19Z Looking for a Web Designer and/or Front End developer to join a future startup in Valencia

        We are building a team that will participate in the startup acceleration program by Bbooster.

        This is an intensive program of 4 months (June to September), at the end of which we expect to get funding (65% of the projects got it in past editions and we believe ours is among the best :-).

        Ideally full-time on-site in Valencia as a founder, but we are also open to some other kind of collaboration like part-time or remote.

        The project will be an internet portal initially focused in the tourism sector and collaborative economy. 

        Current team members have expertise in business, marketing and backend development. We need to cover the graphical design/UI/front end area.

        Interested? Contact me on Linkedin


        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1146369 2017-04-14T12:02:16Z 2017-06-15T10:11:31Z Quick & easy LAMP installation on Linux Mint 18

        This worked for me on version 18.1 Serena Xfce

        Install Apache

        sudo apt-get install apache2

        Verify: open browser with URL http://localhost/

        Install PHP 7

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1145195 2017-04-09T19:45:27Z 2017-04-09T19:45:28Z Email Round Trip Monitoring

        If you administer an email server as I do, it's very useful to have an automated monitoring system that checks often that it works properly.

        My first try on any new feature I want to add to my non-fatally-critical systems is to use an external service, specially if it can be done for free. Whereas there is a number of server monitoring services, most don't include roundtrip email monitoring, at least on their free plan. 

        The only one I found to include it is...

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/1144520 2017-04-06T17:52:38Z 2017-04-09T11:37:19Z Force HTTPS & www

        You want to force any URL that doesn't include either:

        1. HTTPS
        2. www subdomain
        to be redirected to the corresponding URL including both.

        The following directives in the .htaccess file worked for me for a simple static site:

        RewriteEngine On

        RewriteBase /

        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com$ [NC]
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

        RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
        RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

        There must be a way to make the first condition generic and avoid hardcoding domain.com, I just didn't investigate it, maybe you already know how & can comment below ;-)

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/948712 2015-12-13T18:01:34Z 2017-08-22T20:07:34Z Symfony 3 on MAMP with Mercurial VCS and Eclipse IDE - part 2

        comes from part 1

        As it already "does something" we will continue with the demo app.

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/948434 2015-12-13T17:05:12Z 2017-07-16T13:28:31Z Symfony 3 on MAMP with Mercurial VCS and Eclipse IDE - part 1

        I use MAMP+Mercurial+Eclipse as PHP development environment on Mac OS X. These are instructions for this environment adapted from https://symfony.com/doc/current/book/installation.html

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/604720 2013-09-27T12:09:31Z 2017-04-06T18:13:13Z PHP Development Environment with Aptana on Mac OS X

        Warning: this is a quite old setup, probably not interesting any more.

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/577257 2013-05-04T12:32:00Z 2017-12-20T00:06:23Z The easy way to convert XML into PDF J4L FO Designer is a productivity tool that helps you to convert XML files into PDF by using Apache FOP, the open and free implementation of the XLS-FO standard.

        Our product intends to save you a significant amount of your time, and spare you the difficulties of a manual process. As explained in my previous post “How to create PDF files from XML with Apache-FOP”, XSL-FO and Apache-FOP provide a free and standard way to create PDF files in a language independent manner.

        But there are a number of disadvantages with that approach, e.g.:

        • you have to learn XSL-FO (and therefore also XPath and XSL).
        • even if you know XSL-FO you do not want to be writing FO templates using a text editor.
        • there is some logic that cannot be easily defined using XSL-FO. For example, grouping of data requires you to use the so called Muenchian method , which isn't straightforward to understand.

        In order to overcome these drawbacks, at J4L Components we have developed J4L FO Designer. The designer is a Visual (WYSIWYG) editor that will generate XSL-FO files for you. This makes the start into the XSL-FO world very easy, and it is also a useful tool for experienced developers since you can create and test XSL-FO files very quickly.

        Jaume Sola
        tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/235611 2013-03-19T11:39:24Z 2018-10-03T17:41:39Z Usar Gmail para cuentas de correo que no son de Google.

        Este procedimiento sirve para cuando tenemos una cuenta de Gmail y queremos usar Gmail como servicio para gestionar otras cuentas que no son de Google, sin tener que decir a nuestros contactos que hemos cambiado de correo. Es decir para nuestros contactos no cambia nada: siguen usando nuestra dirección de correo que conocen. Para nosotros cambia que usamos el servicio de Gmail para gestionar este correo y, aunque sigue activo, ya no necesitamos usar el servicio del proveedor original.

        Repitiendo este procedimiento se pueden integrar varias cuentas externas en una ÚNICA cuenta gratuita de Gmail. También se puede repetir usando varias cuentas independientes de Gmail gratuito. Si se desea un servicio unificado para la gestión de diversas cuentas de una organización con Gmail, deberá contratarse el servicio de pago "Google Apps".


        1. Tener una cuenta de Gmail
        2. Tener otra cuenta de correo que queremos utilizar con Gmail (cuenta externa)
        3. Que la cuenta de correo externa admita redirección o reenvío automático de todos los mensajes recibidos
        4. Disponer de los datos conexión SMTP segura (TLS ó SSL) que funcione con esta cuenta (servidor, puerto, usuario, contraseña)


          1. Obtener los datos de conexión de nuestra cuenta externa y averigüar cómo activar la redirección de correos entrantes. Esto puede estar disponible a través de un panel de control o bien tendremos que contactar con nuestro proveedor.

          2. Activar la redirección de nuestro correo externo al correo de gmail. 

          3. En nuestra cuenta de Gmail realizaremos los siguientes pasos:
            • Entrar en la configuración de la cuenta

            • Clic en Cuentas e importación y en el apartado "Enviar correo como" , clicar en Añadir otra dirección de correo electrónico

            • En la ventana emergente introducir:
              • Nombre del remitente que se desea usar al enviar mensajes con la cuenta externa
              • La cuenta de correo externa
              • IMPORTANTE: desmarcar la casilla "tratar como un alias"
              • Clicar en botón "paso siguiente"
              • "Enviar el correo a través de tu servidor SMTP
                  • Introducir los datos correspondientes y clicar el botón "Añadir cuenta".
                  • En caso de problemas comprobar que los datos son correctos / consultar el proveedor de nuestro correo.

                • Verificar tu dirección de correo electrónico
                  • Clicar en botón "Enviar Verificación"
                • Espera a que te llegue el correo de verificación e introduce el código.
                • Se cierra la ventana y se actualiza la página de configuración con la nueva cuenta externa añadida. Haz clic ahora en el enlace correspondiente "establecer como predeterminada" junto a la cuenta que acabas de añadir. 
                • Resultado final:
              • A partir de este momento, al redactar un correo nuevo aparecerá tu cuenta externa como remitente en vez de la de Gmail. Si en algún caso quieres usar la de Gmail podrás desplegar el campo del remitente y elegirla.
              • Comprobar con otra cuenta que el envío y recepción funcionan correctamente: enviar un correo desde gmail, comprobar que se recibe con el remitente correcto, responderlo y comprobar que la respuesta llega a nuestra cuenta de gmail

              Jaume Sola
              tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/235613 2013-02-06T10:35:47Z 2013-10-08T16:11:44Z New J4L FOP Server professional edition - run as a Windows service We have a new product, an improvement over the free FOP server, an optional companion product to J4L FO Designer.

              The main new feature is that it can be run as a Windows service, and therefore is more suitable for production environments. As a commercial product it also includes 6 months support.

              Relevant links:
              J4L FOP Server
              J4L FOP Server versions
              J4L FO Designer
              Purchase J4L FO Designer / J4L FOP Server Professional]]>
              Jaume Sola
              tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/235614 2011-10-12T18:42:00Z 2020-11-18T09:29:54Z How to create PDF files from XML using Apache-FOP


              Nowadays, XML is the native format of many applications, Oracle APEX for example, partly bases its reporting systen on XML. Middleware as Oracle BPEL, SAP PI, IBM Websphere and of course many Web services are also XML based. XML is also being used as exchange format in business to business transactions, for example for e-Invoicing. In these and many other environments there is often the need to create PDF files from XML.


              In the past PDF files would be created using proprietary reporting tools that would use a database as data source. Additionally these tools are programming language specific. Later on the XSL-FO standard allowed for a better way to do it in many cases.

              What is new about XSL-FO?
              - it is programming language neutral.
              - it is a standard so you are not tied to a vendor.
              - it uses XML as data source.

              Apache FOP

              One implementation of the XSL-FO standard is Apache FOP. One important aspect about this implementation is that the Apache license model allows to use it in commercial environment.

              Many free/open source products have a license model that puts strong restrictions on the way you may use the software. Not surprisingly there are software companies that do not allow the use in their code any open source software other than Apache Foundation one. So if you use Apache you know you are on the safe side.


              Jaume Sola
              tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/235615 2011-09-20T00:10:00Z 2017-04-08T15:31:53Z J4L Barcodes 1D for Ruby

              I was intrigued about all the buzz around the Rails framework and the Ruby language, so I thought it was the time to check it out by myself and start by learning Ruby. So, as I usually do, I assigned myself some specific learning task: in this case porting the J4L barcoding software from PHP (which in turn was ported from Java).

              Jaume Sola
              tag:blog.jaumesola.com,2013:Post/235616 2010-12-01T19:57:00Z 2017-07-10T18:47:45Z Money transfer adventure

              During 2010 I worked mostly on this project. J.M.E., the web designer, and I worked with Iker Marcaide to develop the first version of the international money transfer web application, which was launched around June, just in time to win the "HiT Barcelona global technological innovation summit". 

              As clients started requesting transfers we refined the user interface until October, moment at which the result was compelling enough for investors to pour into the project its first million dollar funding.

              Until this point the service was a generic person-to-person money transfer service. With the new investment and subsequent hiring of the first group of employees, the business focus specialized on tuition payments, and a new application was started with a very different workflow.

              This initial web application was developed using the Zend Framework.

              It was very exciting to participate in this project and contribute to its early success!

              Jaume Sola